God created the heavens and the earth, but He was not satisfied. He added the birds, the fish, and the plants, but still not content, He made man from clay. “…And He took dust from the ground and shaped it in His image and likeness” (Genesis 2). And thus man was born.
The Fratelli Colì, in their own way, have continued to believe in the magical earth from which man descends. Being from Cutrofiano, a town in the Salento region, they embody the essence of the toponym, a name composed of two Greek words meaning "producer of terracotta vases."
This production, influenced by the Messapians, was refined through the cultural influences of Magna Graecia. The settlement of Cutrofiano has medieval origins and, during the Byzantine period, it was situated in an area rich in clay, abundant water, and timber, fostering the craft of terracotta along with producers of Keramos, meaning clay vase. The artisanal production of the Colì family can be traced back to 1650; the land registry of that time states that Pascale Colì worked as a “codimaro,” an artisan producing clay vases in Cutrofiano. Some even claim that the name Colì can be traced back further among the producers of terracotta objects.

Today, this artisanal tradition is perpetuated and renewed by skilled young craftsmen, ensuring that much of the production is still worked and decorated by hand.
In Cutrofiano, the old and the new come together, entering into symbiosis and walking hand in hand, respecting the different skills.
The Fratelli Colì have taken up the mantle from Antonio the Elder, an tireless and skilled codimaro, vigilant and attentive until his last days. One can almost see him here among us, overseeing production, checking the shelves to ensure that all ceramics are in their place, ready to provide comprehensive answers and explanations to all customers.

From the elder to the younger Antonio, also a codimaro, there is a common thread: total dedication and love for this craft. Together with Donato, Giuseppe, and Massimo, he has driven the company towards international markets. The Fratelli Colì have managed to preserve a cultural identity, maintaining the tradition of this place, creating a production reality of great interest for Salento. They were the first to build their own warehouses for producing terracotta and ceramic products, involving many families in this venture. Here, wheel throwers and codimari are the most common professions.